Plante perl

Plante-perl Perlite soil conditioner

Soil around the root section

This drawing shows a root section in a well prepared soil.
Soil structure has been modified so that nearly half the mass is taken up by large pore spaces holding air and small pore spaces holding water. Air, water and nutrients move from particles through root hair into roots and are transported to the stem and leaves. A thin film of water is held on the surface of each particle of Plante-perl Perlite.

Lawns and gardens planting shrubs and bulbs

Planting trees and shrubs

Dig planting pocket 15 cm larger than roots.
Mix 1/3 Plante-perl + 1/3 soil + 1/3 peat moss.
Tamp the Perlite mixture well into the area around roots.
Water thoroughly.

Flower beds, new lawns and gardens

Dig or mill soil to depth of 10 – 20 cm.
Spread 3-5 cm of Plante-perl all over the area. Mix it well with top layer of soil. Plant plants or seeds as usual, water well.

Improving established lawns

Mix ½ Plante-perl + ½ soil + seeds. Perforate lawn and strew thin layer max. 3 cm, of mixture all over. Fertilize and water.
Top-dressing can be made with spreading Plante-perl 1 cm evenly over the lawn and watering strongly.

Starting seeds

Mix ½ Plante-perl with ½ peat moss and moisten well.
Pure Plante-perl can also be used.
Cover seeds with fine peat moss and cover afterwards with glass or plastic to keep moisture. Remove the glass when seeds has germinated.

House plants and rooftop gardens

Pot plants

Mix ½ Plante-perl with ½ peat moss. Fertilize and water while mixing. Firm mix around roots, do not pack tightly.
Water thoroughly.
Plant soil has now great air holding and effective drainage.

Plant boxes, tubs and rooftop gardens

Plante-perl is ideal for plant boxes and tubs because of the low weight ( Plante-perl weighs approximately 1/20 of soil).
Mix ½ Plante-perl + ½ peat moss or 1/3 Plante-perl + 1/3 peat moss + 1/3 soil as mentioned above (Pot plants).
There should be drain in the bottom of plant boxes and tubes that the extra water can be led out

Root cuttings

Plante-perl increases forming of roots, gives optimal balance between water and air and can prevent drowning.
Damages when replanted will be reduced. For soft cuttings use ½ Plante-perl + ½ peat moss.
For hard and fragile cuttings use up to 100% of Plante-perl. Water thoroughly and make sure for drain in the bottom. Fertilize the plant when roots are growing.

Compost, storing bulbs and root crops, flower arrangements


Place approximately 10 cm Plante-perl on the bottom.
Afterwards build the compost layer by layer plants/garden waste and Plante-perl. After moldering mix the mass and you get light and fine mixture for many purposes.
Plante-perl gives air in moldering process.

Storing bulbs and root crops

Bulbs and root crops, should be placed on the top of 3 cm Plante-perl in a bottom of a box.
Fill the box layer by layer with bulbs and Plante-perl.
Finnish with a layer of Plante-perl.

Flower arrangements

Plante-perl is ideal for supporting stems of cut flowers in flower arrangements. It is clean, sterile and holds water on the surface of the particles making the water available to the flowers.
Fill a vase with Plante-perl Perlite, sature thoroughly with water, pour off excess water and insert flowers.

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