Perlite Filter Aid for Wine Production

Perlite is the generic name for a naturally occurring siliceous volcanic rock, which we take into our new a modern factory outside Copenhagen in shiploads. Here we are manufacturing the filter Perlite in one of our special kilns at temperatures of around 1100 °C, whereby the original raw material is expanding up to 20 times its original volume, and we achieve a new product: a white, sterile granular with many properties and many areas of use.
Especially around the equipment of the company Nordisk Perlite, the particles are in a special form and structure, which means that you can get a filter cake with infinitive myriads of microscopic channels, which achieves an optimum flow rate and clarity of the liquid. This results to the following:
High ability of filtration
Optimum flow rates
Colour of the Perlite is white
Very low density 90-100 kg/m3 i.e., 1 bag of Perlite (14/17 kg replaces 1 bag of other types filter-aids, like Kieselguhr (23 kg or more)
Average Particle size from 7µ – 35µ = covering from the finest to the coarsest products on the market.
Perlite filter aid qualities is an amorphous material, without crystalline particles, i.e., no lung injuries, no allergy, no skin irritation ,when using our products and qualities.
pH value: 6.5 – 7.5
Chemically inert
Virtually Insoluble
Perlite does not impart taste, odour, colour and is listed in the US Food Chemical Codex, recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Easy to clean the filter cloth
DIOXIN & PCB’s. Figures tested are significantly below current and proposed limits according to the EU Directive 2002/32/EU
Perlite filter aid is designed for use in any diatomite or powder type filtration system, i.e. both for pressure and vacuum filtration equipment, simply by replacing present filter aid with our filter Perlite – so simple! Of particular importance in vacuum systems is our Perlite filter aid’s resistance to precoat cracking.
Greater efficiency
In almost every major industrial filtration application, our Perlite filter aid has proved remarkably efficient. The ability to filter “hard-to-clarify” liquids while maintaining maximum “flow rates” has built a record of performance unequalled by most competitive filter aids.
There is a Perlite filter aid quality for filtration of all kind of wine
In almost every major industrial filtration application, our Perlite filter aid has proved remarkably efficient. The ability to filter “hard-to-clarify” liquids while maintaining maximum “flow rates” has built a record of performance unequalled by most competitive filter aids.
There is a Perlite filter aid quality for filtration of all kind of wine
Filtration of wine and the
way filtration is done
differs from winery
to winery!
It is cost effective to change filter aid media from diatomite earth or Kieselguhr to Perlite filter aid. Our Perlite is on average 20 – 25% lighter in weight than the diatomite material. At filtration properties one looks at the volumes rather than weight, which is why the consumption of the “filtering aid” is reduced considerable. The cost savings are around 20 – 25% when using our Perlite filter aid.
way filtration is done
differs from winery
to winery!
It is cost effective to change filter aid media from diatomite earth or Kieselguhr to Perlite filter aid. Our Perlite is on average 20 – 25% lighter in weight than the diatomite material. At filtration properties one looks at the volumes rather than weight, which is why the consumption of the “filtering aid” is reduced considerable. The cost savings are around 20 – 25% when using our Perlite filter aid.