Insulation of floors

Europerl Perlite is the ideal material for floors – it can withstand a high load (floating floors). It easily wraps joists and any power cables and heating pipes (joists floors). Mixed with cement, a heat-insulating lightweight concrete can be cast as underlay for tiles and carpets.
Joists floors

    Parquet or floor boards
    Sprinkles (cardboard strips can prevent creaking)
    Europerl Perlite
    Brick for chocks of joists
    (remember asphalt board between bricks and joists)
    Concrete roof
    Capillary breaking layer, possibly water repellent Europerl Perlite for extra insulation. Placed heating pipes in the insulation save expensive pipe bowls.

Europerl Perlite is the ideal insulating material for floating floors.

Pipes and electric pipes can be mounted on substrate, and Europerl Perlite is poured over. The surface is leveled and if it is more than 40 mm thick it must be vibrated.
Floating floors with concrete, asphalt, plates or floorboards can be laid directly on top of the Europerl Perlite insulation.


Carpets, tiles, or fabric coverings
    Concrete, at least 50 mm (possibly reinforced), thickness depends on the load.
    Cardboard or fiber text eg.
    Europerl Perlite (0 – 6 mm). Must be vibrated at thickness over 40 mm.
    Any heating pipes and cables are covered with at least 10 mm insulation. Insulation is laid at 15% extra height. Vibrate on ½ – 1 m² rigid plate or on the reinforcement net (with hand rammer or vibrator). Possibly moisture membrane.


    Tile adhesive
    Perlite lightweight concrete in mixing ratio (1: 6) at least 40 mm thickness
    Possibly moisture membrane
    Concrete underneath


Rugs, tiles or synthetic coating
    Concrete (possibly reinforced) 100 mm with heat pipes
    Radon membrane
    Europerl Perlite (type 0560SC).
    To be applied with a extra height of approx. 15% in thickness depending on the desired U-value.
    Then vibrate lightly.

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