Insulating with Europerl Perlite is harmless for the environment and without fibers.
Technical data
Thermal conductivity λ10 = 38 mW/m ° C
λD class 42 mW/m°C
Bulk density = 50-90 kg/m³
Particle size: op to 6mm
Water vapor diffusion resistance factor m = 3-4
Max temperature 1100 ° C
pH: 6,5 – 7,5
Solubility in water: max 0,08%
Color and form: White granulate

Why use Europerl Perlite?
Safe insulation without harmful fibers, no risk for:
– damaging lungs
– allergy
– skin irritation
– indoor climate problems
Thermal insulating property for Perlite has been established by the Danish Technological Institute to be on same level as the best insulating materials.
Perlite is easy to work with and fills easily cavity walls. It also secures great isolation in most difficult places.
Fireproof and inorganic. Perlites mineral origin and fireproof components makes it possible to use it at very high temperature. The material cannot rotten, will not collapse or break down. It doesn’t provide a breeding ground for microorganism or fungus and it doesn’t liberate any form of vapor or odor.
Water repellent Perlite is used if there is risk for condensation. Perlite is very easy to work with.
– damaging lungs
– allergy
– skin irritation
– indoor climate problems
Thermal insulating property for Perlite has been established by the Danish Technological Institute to be on same level as the best insulating materials.
Perlite is easy to work with and fills easily cavity walls. It also secures great isolation in most difficult places.
Fireproof and inorganic. Perlites mineral origin and fireproof components makes it possible to use it at very high temperature. The material cannot rotten, will not collapse or break down. It doesn’t provide a breeding ground for microorganism or fungus and it doesn’t liberate any form of vapor or odor.
Water repellent Perlite is used if there is risk for condensation. Perlite is very easy to work with.