Insulation of walls
Insulating with Europerl Perlite is very fast and easy.
During construction, Europerl Perlite can be continuously poured into the wall or when the wall is finished. This can be done from bags or from big bags. You can also insulate with a blow-in machine.

Post-insulation of outer wall
Europerl Perlite can often be poured in from the top of the wall. If this is not possible, it can be blown or pumped in with special machines.
Europerl Perlite is a living granulate, which finds its way into the outer corners of cavity wall.
Europerl Perlite is a living granulate, which finds its way into the outer corners of cavity wall.

Brick wall
Insulating with Europerl Perlite is very fast and easy. During the bricklaying, it must be avoided that mortar residues fall into the gap to be insulated. Either wall ½ – 1 m at a time and pour Europerl Perlite into the gap or make the entire wall and fill with Europerl Perlite. Make sure there are no leaks at windows, doors, electrical outlets and wall holes for any gas and fresh air. If there is no gap at the bottom of the window opening, fill up with Europerl Perlite before installing the window

Lightweight outer wall
The wall should be built up using a vertical framework of wood and a strap at the top of the wall which is not going all the way through from outer wall to inner wall. Partly to reduce the risk of cold bridges and partly to allow Europerl Perlite to be poured into the wall from the ceiling when the wall is built up.